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The 2023  International Security Conference looked at the practical implementation of new policies and techniques, providing practical takeaways about how these can be applied. This Conference covered a wide range of security themes and issues, with Martyn’s Law, Ukraine, Aviation Security and diversity all key themes.

  1. 30 mins
    • 2023 International Security Conference
    • Security professionals are valued and valuable contributors to a safe, secure, and resilient society
    • Current learning happens in four separate and mainly siloed places: in the individuals, the education sector, professional bodies, and the workplace
    • A Community of Practice could be the essential fifth place for shared social learning, for learning amongst all resilience professionals
  1. 30 mins
    • 2023 International Security Conference
    • Achieving SDG 16 (Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions) in ports. 
    • Ports, police, security and shipping - it doesn't need to be "us and them"
    • Effective strategies for multi-stakeholder engagement
    • Maritime Security as a revenue generator
    • Ports and Terminals threat landscape
    • Security challenges for Maritime Ports and Terminals 
    • The role of Port Security Management Systems
    • Threat mitigation through community engagement 
  1. 30 mins
    • 2023 International Security Conference

    People are at the core of risk and security management; physical and data protections are only as good as the people who use them.

    •  Building an environment of trust across your organisation ensures people understand their role in risk management, and empowers individuals to make critical decisions that enable business
    • How can a trusted environment supercharge businesses? How do you create one? How risk and security teams can be more than just a cost
  1. 30 mins
    • 2023 International Security Conference
    • Skills Board Vision, Purpose and Objectives
    • The importance of inclusion and belonging
    • Skills Board Profession Map / Skills Academy   
  1. 30 mins
    • 2023 International Security Conference


    How private security companies are supporting diplomatic, development, defence and private sector clients in Ukraine:

    • The key lessons identified from PSC operations in Ukraine
    • The role of social media information in risk management for clients operating in Ukraine
  1. 30 mins
    • 2023 International Security Conference

    This session will give an overview of how the police and organisations, venues and events are working to disrupt the information-gathering hostiles need to do to help them plan an attack.

    • An introduction to hostile reconnaissance
    • How the police use Project Servator to disrupt hostile reconnaissance
    • See Check and Notify (SCaN) – training to help organisations disrupt hostile reconnaissance   
  1. 30 mins
    • 2023 International Security Conference
    Talk details coming soon
  1. 30 mins
    • 2023 International Security Conference
    • The number of hostile vehicle attacks has increased dramatically since 2020
    • This increase is due to the diversification of attack motivations and targets  
    • HVAs are now more reactive than planned, reducing prevention capabilities
    • Key security challenges are the expansion and the mobility of security perimeters   
  1. 30 mins
    • 2023 International Security Conference
    • Post Covid the civil aviation industry is recovering strongly
    • In the UK one of the largest capital investments in new security scanning technology is underway
    • The UK moves from adherence of EC Regulation to UK Regulation
    • There is a desire to move towards a Risk Based Oversight regulatory model
  1. 30 mins
    • 2023 International Security Conference

    Situational awareness when traveling:

    • From the time you pack your bag until departing the airport
    • Onboard safety assisting inflight crew with onboard emergencies
  1. 30 mins
    • 2023 International Security Conference
    • Recognise alternative offender forced entry objectives and strategies
    • The role of an effective security triangle
    • Using entrepreneurial offender theory to determine the potential likelihood of an attack vector being used
    •  Identify what deterrence looks like when using the entrepreneurial offender approach 
  1. 30 mins
    • 2023 International Security Conference

    After participating in this session, security professionals will be able to:

    • Identify the four main risks to public security in urban settings.
    • Describe six physical design strategies to enhance protection in public spaces.
    • Refer to physical security measures and policies implemented in three notable public spaces. Experience with projects in Paris and Washington DC have shown how to improve security and lower risk through simple, cost-effective design strategies and well-conceived, well-enforced policies.
  1. 30 mins
    • 2023 International Security Conference
    • The SIA’s strategic approach to enforcement
    • Partnerships that help enable SIA enforcement activity
    • Operational compliance activity
    • Ambitions going forward
  1. 30 mins
    • 2023 International Security Conference
    Keeping people safe during emergencies such as terrorist attacks involves changing behaviour as well as providing physical protection. The ways that people behave in emergencies can help or hinder survivability, particularly in crowded buildings where the potential for congestion and crush can be as dangerous as the original threat.  For control rooms, understanding these behaviours can improve command and control and help more people to take the right kinds of protective action.
    In this session, Dr Aoife Hunt will explore the current thinking around responses to hostile threats, debunking myths about crowd behaviour in emergencies and discussing the practical implications for control rooms planning their response to terrorist attacks. 
  1. 30 mins
    • 2023 International Security Conference
    • Understand the basic threat indicators surrounding hostile intent, duress and deceit
    • Learn how to apply these to your role as security professionals
    • Understand the practical applications for customs, port security and door supervisors  
  1. 30 mins
    • 2023 International Security Conference
    A panel with Figen Murray, Nick Aldworth, Tracy Reinhold and Barrie Millett looking at some of the areas within the draft legislation that may require amendment or clarifications and asking how the wider Security Community can help.
  1. 30 mins
    • 2023 International Security Conference
    Violence, aggression and the total protective program
  1. 60 mins
    • 2023 International Security Conference

    Presentation by Anita Friend:

    • It is not the sole preserve of government to develop the next big idea. We need to look more broadly and reach out to non-traditional suppliers.
    • DASA encourages collaboration and forms partnerships across industry, academia and government to help level the playing field so that the very best ideas can have maximum impact.
    • Hear from DASA-funded suppliers whose ideas have been accelerated into products, technologies and policies which have the potential to impact our National Security

    Followed by a short discussion with DASA suppliers:

    • Ed Puddicombe, Director, Niaxo
    • Vicky Brock, CEO & Founder, Vistalworks
    • Alex Kehoe, CEO & Founder, Vizgard
  1. 45 mins
    • 2023 International Security Conference
    New Head of NaCTSO, Superintendent Amanda King introduces experts from NaCTSO supporting the National Barrier Asset, the Counter Terrorism Search Analysis System, Counter Terrorism Policing Communications and the National Canine Training & Accreditation Scheme for private industry.  Presenters will explore resources and guidance business can utilise to strengthen their security at events and festivals. 
  1. 30 mins
    • 2023 International Security Conference
    • What is the impact of cybercrime on individuals?
    • What is being done to help them?
    • What is The Cyber Helpline?
    • How can you help?   
  1. 30 mins
    • 2023 International Security Conference
    • Raise your ability to spot deceptive behaviour
    • Are others trying to make you look weak
    • Minimise the risk of others that would seek to do harm