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SCEG is a Special Interest Group within ADS for companies with interests in the security and risk sector, operating in complex and hostile environments. Member companies are operating across the globe including the Middle East, Africa and Asia. Learn more about SCEG here.

Get in touch today if you are a SCEG member and are interested in exhibiting in the SCEG Pavilion.


SCEG Ukraine Panels

In 2023 SCEG hosted two very popular panels over both days of the event, chaired by SCEG Director Paul Gibson, and featuring a number of their exhibiting members in discussion about the Ukrainian conflict. They offered first-hand insights into the conflict and it's long-term implications, covering:

Supporting a Secure Environment in Ukraine
How private security companies are supporting diplomatic, development, defence and private sector clients in Ukraine.

Consequences of the War in Ukraine – Transnational Threats and Mitigations
A panel discussing mitigating the threats using AI, legal tools and weapon proliferation reduction programmes.