Enhanced sponsorship opportunities will see your brand prominently positioned in-front of relevant security decision-makers, not just at the event but throughout the year too. These can help you achieve a variety of objectives, including lead generation, thought leadership, brand awareness and year-round digital options to reach our audience. Check out the opportunities available below.
Conference & Summit Sponsorship
Sponsorship opportunities are available across our Summit & Conference:
- Pre-event:
- Promotion in pre-event marketing (including website, social media, emails (prospect visitors and pre-registered visitors), direct mail, Event Preview, newsletters, Event Guide etc. Your name and/or logo would appear in all of the above.
- Promotion in PR campaign (press releases, speaker interviews etc)
- At event:
- Opportunity for your Company to have a position on a Panel Discussion on either day 1 or day 2. Topic TBC after discussion with Philip Ingram, our Head of Conference Production. Content to highlight the expertise of your product range.
- Prominent branding within the Theatre
- Seat drop (of literature or give away) on the morning and afternoon of Day 1 and Day 2
- Post event:
- Attendee data from all sessions across the two days (based on third party opt in) if your package includes attendee data.

Badge Sponsorship
• Company branding to be included on badges printed at home, Badges mailed in the post & Badges printed at the event
• Company stand number and company description included on the print at home badge
• Included in the Sponsors page on the website and in the Event Guide

Floor Tile Sponsorship
• Floor tiles will highlight your brand to our attendees
• Use the tiles to direct visitors to your stand
• Tiles available in a pack of 2-4

Hanging Banners
• Company will be promoted in emails to pre-registered visitor, potential visitors & on social media.
• Brand mentioned on the homepage of the website, on the Sponsors page and in the Event Guide
• At the event, company branding on signage at the Networking Drinks Reception

Networking Drinks Reception Sponsorship
• Company will be promoted in emails to pre-registered visitor, potential visitors & on social media
• Brand mentioned on the homepage of the website, on the Sponsors page and in the Event Guide
• At the event, company branding on signage at the Networking Drinks Reception

VIP Programme and Lounge Sponsor
- Pre Event:
- Company branding on all pre-event VIP communication
- Ability for Company to send a dedicated email to our VIP database (timing tbc)
- Included in the Sponsors page on the on the website and in Event Guide
- At Event:
- Company branding on all VIP Lounge signage
- Company branding shown externally on the VIP Lounge
- Company branding shown internally within the VIP Lounge
- Opportunity for Audax to offer a ‘give away’ to VIPs – distributed within the VIP Lounge
- A minimum guarantee of 3 VIPs to attend Company stand
- Company to have 5 VIP passes for their own staff to access the VIP Lounge

Category Partner
Email to Pre-registered Visitors:
- Dedicated content email to all pre-registered visitors that have highlighted an interest in chosen category during registration. Exhibitor to provide content. The email will be sent between 6-2 weeks out from the event.
Website & Event Guide
- Company logo highlighted on website homepage as the Category Partner
- Logo, description and link to Exhibitor profile page on website Sponsors page
- Exhibitor logo on the Sponsors Page of the Event Guide, highlighted as a category sponsor
- Product Category listing as Category Partner
At Event:
- Company logo and Category on a Banner (9m x 1m) positioned on the Gallery Balcony
- Category Sponsors logos on ‘A’ frame Board outside the entrance to the Grand Hall
Year-Round Sponsorship Opportunities
Website Branding
Run adverts on our website, promoting that you are exhibiting at the event, or to promote your products / services or any new initiatives you may have. This will create fantastic brand awareness as thousands of people visit the homepage of the website each month.
Solus Emails
Our database consists of over 130,000 global security professionals, including the thousands of people who attend the event. This dedicated email will put your products and services directly in front of high-level security decision-makers. Plus, if it's relevant to your company / brand, this can also go to 39,000 cyber security contacts from our co-located cyber security event.
Our team make webinars easy for you and these are the perfect option for metrics-driven companies that want to track the results of their marketing spend. Our in-house content, production and marketing experts will develop, host and promote a custom event just for you across multiple digital channels.
Digital Week
Our team will host FOUR exclusive webinars on behalf of the sponsor, during a dedicated digital week. The formats and topic area (e.g. interview/panels discussion/ Q&A) to be decided by the sponsor in conjunction with our Head of Content, Philip Ingram MBE, a widely published and experienced journalist who would be the Moderator.
Directors Forums Sponsor
A senior level round table would allow you to have an intimate sit-down with your ideal customers, we will work with you to understand your target customers and personally invite them from our extensive database to attend your roundtable. We know that senior professionals see huge value in sitting in a room peer to peer, rather than going stand to stand.
- Curated closed door roundtable, between 8-10 participants.
- Branded personalised invitations sent to attendees
- Sponsor to set the topic and have a representative within the session, and give 2-minute welcome address
- Sponsor to provide branded notepads/pens and any other merchandise
- Contact details of attendees shared post session
Roundtable report
- Our team will write up a report on the roundtable, including key discussion points and findings (using Chatham House Rules) and this will be shared with you post-event to be used as content. We will also host this report on our website behind a download form to gain a wider reach post-event
Digital Directors Forums Sponsor
Digital roundtable
A digital, senior level roundtable, organised and managed by Nineteen Group. This will give you the chance to generate high level leads, and content all year round.
- 8-10 participants
- Bottle of wine sent to each participant ahead of the roundtable
- Sponsor to set the topic and have a representative within the session, and give 2-minute welcome address
- Contact details of attendees shared post-session
Roundtable report
- Our team will write-up a report on the roundtable, including key discussion points and findings (using Chatham House Rules) and this will be shared with you post-event to be used as content. We will also host this report on our website behind a download form to gain a wider reach post-event.